English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "idee" is 'n gedagte of konsep wat na vore kom as gevolg van verstandelike aktiwiteit, verbeelding of kontemplasie. 'n Idee kan 'n plan, 'n voorstel, 'n geloof, 'n beginsel of 'n idee wees, en dit kan uitgedruk word in verskeie vorme, soos woorde, beelde of aksies. Idees is dikwels die basis van kreatiwiteit, innovasie en intellektuele ondersoek, en hulle kan die manier waarop mense dink, voel en optree beïnvloed. Die term "idee" kan ook verwys na 'n vae of abstrakte konsep, of 'n geestelike indruk wat nie volledig ontwikkel of duidelik omskryf is nie.


  1. approximation
  2. estimate
  3. estimation

Sentence Examples

  1. Though I had no idea how many magic-wielders there were at Central.
  2. Using magic in a closed space was generally a stupid idea, like firing a rocket in a cubicle.
  3. Even the people who thought the idea of travelling to another universe was awesome would ultimately pick Earth, the familiar, in the end.
  4. I walked back over to the door, another idea taking shape.
  5. I also had no idea what her quote meant, but I was more focused on how Ursula knew my identity.
  6. There are always people who contribute in a multitude of ways, sometimes unwittingly, throughout the journey from discovering the idea to drafting the last word.
  7. Since Lorraine had run the department this semester while the previous office manager, Siobhan, took maternity leave, she might have some idea what was going on with grading processes.
  8. He should know that firing the stunner into empty air in the Passages was a stupid idea if you wanted to get out with all your limbs intact.
  9. Did she have any idea how many people had died in that name?
  10. Do you have any idea who could have killed Abby or Lorraine?

TV Series Examples



do you have any idea