English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Oond is 'n toestel of 'n toestel wat gebruik word om 'n spasie te verhit of om 'n proses uit te voer wat hoë temperatuur vereis, soos smelt of smelt. Dit bestaan tipies uit 'n kamer of 'n houer waarin brandstof verbrand word om hitte te produseer, wat dan gebruik word om die omgewing op te warm of om 'n spesifieke taak uit te voer. Oonde kan aangedryf word deur 'n verskeidenheid brandstowwe, soos gas, olie, steenkool of hout, afhangende van hul ontwerp en beoogde gebruik.

Sentence Examples

  1. They passed a furnace where manacles and a selection of hideous tools were laid ready for use.
  2. A new furnace would need to be a top priority on her contractor list.
  3. It was hot outside, like a furnace, but inside it was cold as the arctic.
  4. Nevertheless, he began to rebuild the fire in the furnace the pressure again mounted, and the locomotive returned, running backwards to Fort Kearney.
  5. The sun always blasted you like a furnace in Iraq, making sunglasses a basic requirement.
  6. Both turned to me, as if they saw me from within that blast furnace.
  7. And you must know besides, that the true knight-errant, though he may see ten giants, that not only touch the clouds with their heads but pierce them, and that go, each of them, on two tall towers by way of legs, and whose arms are like the masts of mighty ships, and each eye like a great mill-wheel, and glowing brighter than a glass furnace, must not on any account be dismayed by them.
  8. In the course of their conversation they fell to discussing what they call State-craft and systems of government, correcting this abuse and condemning that, reforming one practice and abolishing another, each of the three setting up for a new legislator, a modern Lycurgus, or a brand-new Solon and so completely did they remodel the State, that they seemed to have thrust it into a furnace and taken out something quite different from what they had put in and on all the subjects they dealt with, Don Quixote spoke with such good sense that the pair of examiners were fully convinced that he was quite recovered and in his full senses.
  9. Whenever the furnace would look like it was starting to flare dangerously, he would simply hold his hand out and it would calm.
  10. I now thought it possible that the coating of dirt might have something to do with the failure so I carefully rinsed the parchment by pouring warm water over it, and, having done this, I placed it in a tin pan, with the skull downwards, and put the pan upon a furnace of lighted charcoal.