English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "skil" is die droë, buitenste laag van sekere plante of vrugte, soos mielies of rys, wat tipies verwyder word voordat dit geëet of verwerk word. Die woord kan ook verwys na die buitenste dop of bedekking van verskeie ander dinge, soos sade of neute. As 'n werkwoord beteken "skil" om die buitenste laag of bedekking van iets te verwyder, of om die skil af te stroop. Dit kan ook beteken om 'n buitenste laag of bedekking af te gooi of weg te gooi, soos 'n slang wat sy vel afgooi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Janis sliced up with his arm, sending his own telekinetic blast at the husk.
  2. The seed coat swelled then split, and a root emerged, extending out into the world until its leaves formed, pushing back the husk as they opened.
  3. The bustling little town I was promised had been reduced to a ruined husk filled with paranoia and death.
  4. The husk of the helicopter tumbled down the length of the monument, flames and smoke trailing behind it.
  5. Stout fingers caressed the side of his face that once held a scar, vanished with the last traces of the husk we had met.
  6. As big as he was, the gargantuan Guraah was reduced to an empty husk in seconds as the Scarada sucked out his innards.
  7. The Dread Lord looked down at the pieces of his fallen servant, then at the remnant of the spider queen, now only a dried, smouldering husk.
  8. Flames racked his body until he was nothing more than a shrivelled husk, skin blackened, and eyes melted in his head.
  9. He tried to pick out the mage in the starlight, but the husk was too quick.
  10. Every last drop of blood could be drained from me and I would still live, a comatose and withered husk.