English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "uitnodiging" is 'n versoek of 'n aanbod om iets te doen, gewoonlik om 'n geleentheid by te woon of aan 'n aktiwiteit deel te neem. Dit is 'n formele of informele geskrewe of mondelinge kommunikasie wat iemand nooi om aan te sluit of aan iets deel te neem. 'n Uitnodiging sluit gewoonlik besonderhede in soos die doel, datum, tyd en ligging van die gebeurtenis of aktiwiteit, asook enige ander nodige inligting of instruksies. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om iemand te nooi of die proses om uitgenooi te word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Pulling her shoulders back, her breasts, only partly cupped within her bodice, added to the invitation which played across her face.
  2. He sent up an apology for frightening her, then a wave of reassurance followed by an invitation.
  3. Richard no longer seeks him out on market days, and ever since he took offence at not having received an invitation to our wedding, things have been strained.
  4. There is a mystery to uncover in our lives and the first step is to recognize the confusion we experience in midlife is not an invitation to judge our memories or attempt to go back to the past through youthful actions.
  5. Anselmo believed him, and to afford him an opportunity more free and less liable to surprise, he resolved to absent himself from his house for eight days, betaking himself to that of a friend of his who lived in a village not far from the city and, the better to account for his departure to Camilla, he so arranged it that the friend should send him a very pressing invitation.
  6. He sat quietly in the sun for a while and tried to send out waves of invitation into the river.
  7. He was at home in Bunton at the time, dealing with his irascible wife Trish, and we saw no point in posting an invitation.
  8. Friday night we take Joseph up on his dinner invitation.
  9. Tarkyn raised his eyebrows in amusement, and sent ruefulness and an invitation, which the otter accepted by scuttling up the rock to sit next to him.
  10. Waving her hand, Rune and Kallan could only interpret her actions as an invitation to follow together.