English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "honger" is: voel 'n behoefte of begeerte om kos te eet; met 'n sterk begeerte of lus vir iets. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n situasie waar daar nie genoeg kos beskikbaar is nie, wat 'n gevoel van honger of hongersnood tot gevolg het. Daarbenewens kan die term metafories gebruik word om 'n sterk begeerte of verlange na iets te beskryf, soos sukses of erkenning.

Sentence Examples

  1. Too hungry to care any longer what he eats, he orders the same.
  2. As he walked, the lion kept close, its eyes hungry.
  3. She musta been hungry, because when I knocked on the door, she waved me inside, and I could see she was eating stuff right out of jars.
  4. At home, I would have required her to eat what was put in front of her or go hungry.
  5. The anticipation made his hairs stand on an electric edge, hungry for information, he persevered.
  6. Hungry for clarity, I flick off the light and close the studio door.
  7. A knot of girls squawked around him like a flock of hungry pigeons.
  8. They ate in silence, both of them hungry, and the bowls that had held a simple pottage were soon emptied, only crumbs where the warm coarse bread had been.
  9. The clattering of devilish teeth and a dozen hungry mouths were chattering around him, the stank of guts was vomit-inducing.
  10. There would be no food until the door was opened early the next day and she would be admitted back to the company of her mother, penitent and hungry.

TV Series Examples



lt appears l'm not hungry after all.