English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek verwys die woord "heuwel" tipies na 'n afgeronde of verhewe grondgebied wat hoër is as die omliggende land, maar nie so hoog soos 'n berg nie. Dit kan ook gebruik word om 'n klein helling of helling te beskryf. Boonop kan "heuwel" in verskeie kontekste gebruik word, soos in geografie, topografie en landskap, sowel as in metaforiese of figuurlike betekenisse.

Sentence Examples

  1. By the next week, he and Jed had managed to carry all the pods up the hill once again.
  2. A routine consisting of running until he thought his heart would burst and lugging pods up the hill with Jed.
  3. When I left the house, I knew I had half an hour to spare, so I walked up to the crest of the hill that separates the valley of Haría from that of Máguez, stopping where several roads meet in an awkward intersection.
  4. The laptop screen goes black and his attention diverts to the view of the hill to the east and he finds himself idly counting palm trees.
  5. The production coincides with the massive statue of Jesus on the hill overlooking our hotel.
  6. As he arrived, he saw a pile of rocks sitting atop a hill.
  7. Earth element was held inside a giant hill and Energy Control took place inside a starship stationed on the battlements of Swordstone castle.
  8. By the end of their second week he and Jed managed to get the last and largest pod to the top of the hill.
  9. Elijah and his companions sat underneath a tree-sized blue mushroom, on a hill that overlooked Veneseron River.
  10. Atop the hill was a picnic table long enough to seat two-dozen Venators.

TV Series Examples



There's hill tribes all around here.



Shadowcats and hill tribes



lt's primitive, no better than the hill tribes.



She should be on a hill somewhere