English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "onheilspellend" is iets wat daarop dui dat iets sleg gaan gebeur of bedreigend van aard is. Dit kan verwys na 'n teken, 'n gevoel of 'n teken wat aandui dat iets negatief of onaangenaam in die toekoms kan gebeur. Die woord "onheilspellend" word dikwels gebruik om 'n gevoel van voorgevoel of ongemak te beskryf, veral wanneer dit kom by gebeure of situasies wat onseker of onvoorspelbaar is. Sommige sinonieme vir "onheilspellend" sluit dreigend, dreigend, voorgevoel en boosaardig in.


  1. inauspicious
  2. ill

Sentence Examples

  1. Strangely sparse of foliage, windswept and almost barren to the eye, they were an ominous set of sharp peaks and deep walled canyons that were treacherous to pass through.
  2. The night was, as has been said, dark, and they had happened to reach a spot in among some tall trees, whose leaves stirred by a gentle breeze made a low ominous sound so that, what with the solitude, the place, the darkness, the noise of the water, and the rustling of the leaves, everything inspired awe and dread more especially as they perceived that the strokes did not cease, nor the wind lull, nor morning approach to all which might be added their ignorance as to where they were.
  3. That, in and of itself, was highly motivating, and for the first time in ages, fear hovered over me like ominous, thunder clouds.
  4. She was transported to a labyrinth of dark, ominous trees.
  5. The boisterous titan was cradling me in my arms, and right behind him towered the walkway leading up the Ururu, which let out an ominous creak as an errant gust of wind sprang up.
  6. The power of the Netherworld is an ominous and terrible power to behold.
  7. When one of them is born it is reckoned ominous, and their birth is recorded very particularly so that you may know their age by consulting the registry, which however has not been kept above a thousand years past, or at least has been destroyed by time or public disturbances.
  8. The implications for both the business community and the society in general were ominous.
  9. He was dressed in a dark sport jacket and slacks with a black turtleneck that gave him the ominous look of a mafia don.
  10. An ominous plate serving itself a healthy portion of what hung above.