English to afrikaans meaning of

"hickory" word gedefinieer as "die taai, swaar hout van enige van verskeie hoofsaaklik Noord-Amerikaanse bome (genus Carya) van die okkerneutfamilie wat eetbare neute dra; ook: enige van hierdie bome."

Sentence Examples

  1. As long as rays of daylight still slanted through the branches, Olivia could admire the beech, maple, basswood, oak, and hickory trees.
  2. He used to make a cable for his anchor of strips of hickory bark tied together.
  3. He found a stand of what passed for hickory trees, felling a few with the small hatchet.
  4. Mike fixed Connor with a stare as unforgiving as a hickory switch.
  5. One day, when my axe had come off and I had cut a green hickory for a wedge, driving it with a stone, and had placed the whole to soak in a pond hole in order to swell the wood, I saw a striped snake run into the water, and he lay on the bottom, apparently without inconvenience, as long as I stayed there, or more than a quarter of an hour perhaps because he had not yet fairly come out of the torpid state.
  6. As the sparrow had its trill, sitting on the hickory before my door, so had I my chuckle or suppressed warble which he might hear out of my nest.