English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die Oxford English Dictionary is 'n haring 'n silwerkleurige vis wat in die noordelike Atlantiese Oseaan leef en dikwels vir kos gebruik word. Die woord "haring" kan ook verwys na 'n klein, silweragtige vissie van dieselfde familie wat in die Stille Oseaan woon.


  1. clupea harangus

Sentence Examples

  1. But when combined with doubt and a pinch of fear, it was a recipe for red herring.
  2. There was silence on the beach, broken only by the passing whistle of a brace of oystercatchers and the raucous scream of a herring gull.
  3. With the huge advantage of hindsight, Sant could see how that lead had turned out to be a disastrous red herring.
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