English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "hartklop" is die pulsasie van die hart, gewoonlik gevoel as 'n ritmiese stamp of gefladder in die bors. Dit is 'n gereelde, herhalende patroon van sametrekking en ontspanning van die hartspier wat bloed deur die liggaam sirkuleer. Die term "hartklop" word ook figuurlik gebruik om te verwys na die noodsaaklike en noodsaaklike aspek van iets, soos die "hartklop" van 'n stad of organisasie.

Sentence Examples

  1. With my body producing extra doses of adrenaline and my heartbeat racing uncontrollably, I tried to imagine what could possibly be worse than Mr.
  2. Broken at the shoulder, it hangs, limp and unusable, the pain throbbing in time with my heartbeat.
  3. The roaring in my ears was my own heartbeat, like crashing waves.
  4. Her heartbeat went into overdrive, her eyelids fluttered uncontrollably.
  5. Out here in the wilderness with the falls crashing behind him and the sun shining on his face, he was incredibly handsome my heartbeat quickened.
  6. None of them knew about the Passage, after all, and most people preferred not to acknowledge the monsters that lived a heartbeat away.
  7. I turn off the hose and hurry to answer it, my heartbeat quickening.
  8. Bentor Benicod sits down with his back to me as I return my gaze to the panorama outside, my heartbeat quickening.
  9. Power leaked from him in a continuous stream, thick and pulsing like a heartbeat.
  10. My heartbeat drummed a staccato rhythm in my ears.