English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "skade" is om iemand of iets te beseer, skade of seerkry. Dit kan ook verwys na die fisiese of geestelike skade wat deur 'n aksie of gebeurtenis veroorsaak word. Boonop kan skade verwys na die negatiewe gevolge of gevolge van iets, soos 'n besluit of beleid. Die woord kan as beide 'n werkwoord en 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word. As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys dit na die besering of skade wat veroorsaak is, terwyl dit as 'n werkwoord verwys na die handeling om skade te veroorsaak.

Sentence Examples

  1. Passepartout, however, thinking no harm, went in like a simple tourist, and was soon lost in admiration of the splendid Brahmin ornamentation which everywhere met his eyes, when of a sudden he found himself sprawling on the sacred flagging.
  2. It was an innocent delusion which could harm no one.
  3. What was the harm in it, as long as he strove to maintain his distance?
  4. Also, GDP does not count work that is done for free, like volunteering, or take into account the harm that some economic activity can do to an economy.
  5. He could not let them harm his mother, his father, even Falawn.
  6. There was no long safety lecture from Carl this time, though he did take the opportunity to remind us not to harm any person with the stunners.
  7. In the majesty of towering trees and bright butterflies feeding on beautiful blooms, there are the familiar gifts of home that protect us from harm and surround us with love.
  8. She had known that at some point the difference in the extent of their love for one another would cause irreparable harm to their relationship, but she supposed that, childishly, she had tried to deny that knowledge, had tried to convince herself that nothing would ever change.
  9. We may not associate with other species, but we would not harm them in this way.
  10. My first thought is she will do me harm and I reach out to find the path to get away.

TV Series Examples



that those who would harm you



What harm could Lyanna Stark's ghost



lf any harm comes to me,