English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "handvatsel" 'n paar verskillende betekenisse, insluitend:'n Deel van 'n voorwerp wat ontwerp is om vas te gryp, soos die handvatsel van 'n gereedskap, die handvatsels van 'n fiets , of die handvatsel op 'n deur.'n Naam of 'n skuilnaam wat gebruik word om jouself te identifiseer, veral in aanlyn kontekste. Byvoorbeeld, "My Twitter-handvatsel is @ChatGPT".Die manier om 'n situasie of probleem te verstaan of te hanteer. Byvoorbeeld, "Sy het 'n goeie greep op die situasie."As 'n werkwoord beteken "hanteer" om iets te bestuur of te hanteer. Enkele voorbeelde van gebruik sluit in:"Sy weet hoe om moeilike kliënte te hanteer.""Hy het die projek met groot vaardigheid hanteer." “Ek is nie seker hoe om hierdie situasie te hanteer nie.”

Sentence Examples

  1. Three shots were all it could handle, but a level two would still temporarily paralyse anyone or anything that got hit.
  2. His normal hand closed around the handle and this time wrenched it open.
  3. The demon rushed him just as he turned the handle.
  4. Getting out of bed in the morning seems like more than I can handle.
  5. Should I look to her for how to handle my old, sourpuss spitfire lemon better known as Dr.
  6. When I finally got a handle on my sanity, before we made it back to Lafayette, I decided there was only one recourse left to me.
  7. It was much more streamlined and smoother than the ones used in drills at the Academy, my hand fitting the handle like it was meant to be there.
  8. Doubtless the House would be quite concerned about how to handle this matter.
  9. I approached the lat machine to his right, adjusted the seat height, and chose the amount of weight I hoped I could handle.
  10. He turns away and picks up a clamp, twisting the handle of the screw.