English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "greep" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n stewige houvas of greep op iets Voorbeeld: Sy het 'n goeie greep op die handvatsels van haar fiets gehad.(werkwoord) om vas te gryp of styf vas te hou Voorbeeld: Hy het die stuurwiel styf vasgehou terwyl hy deur die storm gery het.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n handvatsel of toestel om iets vas te gryp of vas te hou. Voorbeeld: Die kamera het 'n gemaklike greep om dit stewig te hou.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n persoon se mag of beheer oor iets Voorbeeld: Die maatskappy se HUB het 'n sterk greep op die maatskappy se finansies gehad.(werkwoord) om betrokke te raak of betrokke te raak by iets met groot belangstelling of intensiteit Voorbeeld: Die gehoor is aangegryp deur die akteur se vertoning.


  1. grasp

Sentence Examples

  1. Alliance Guy tightened his grip in response and held me upright.
  2. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, willing the goddamned traffic to move faster, and switched on the radio to drown out my own thoughts.
  3. The woman let out a sob, adjusted a grip on the little girl curled into her.
  4. Before she could stop him, his hand shot out to grip her chin.
  5. She bit him savagely and he took his hand away with a yelp, almost losing his grip around her.
  6. He loosened his grip and she slipped her hand free.
  7. I managed to get a grip on a patch of loose scales and haul myself up, pressing the stunner to a wound in its side.
  8. Swearing, I ducked, and the girl took the opportunity to squirm out of my grip.
  9. Kila felt a sense of release as they repeated the deshya, as if he had begun to loosen his grip on the things that caused him the most distress.
  10. Alliance Guy had a firm grip on my upper arms, just tight enough to tell me there was no chance I was getting away.