English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "dankbaar" is om 'n gevoel of waardering te toon vir iets wat ontvang of gedoen is, om dank of dankbaarheid uit te spreek. Dit kan ook beteken om gereed te wees om waardering te toon vir vriendelikheid of voordele wat ontvang word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Brooke was eternally grateful for the escape school and her friends offered.
  2. I was grateful for my quick thinking and stroke of luck.
  3. I sit with my back to the restaurant wall and remove my sunglasses, grateful for the solitude.
  4. He was grateful and understanding at the same time.
  5. The grapevine had brought Cleva up to date, and that night, I was grateful for its unceasing buzz.
  6. If nothing else, his free time had been abundant, for which he thought perhaps he should be grateful.
  7. Henry pulls the van up to the front door and we all disembark, grateful for a few hours of down time.
  8. The words were a monotone and his face was unreadable, but she suspected that was because he was working hard to keep himself in check, for which she felt guiltily grateful.
  9. A sweet note, saying that a favor from a stranger had a special quality to it, for which she was grateful.
  10. She was on a mission, a single-minded purpose, one for which I am suddenly grateful.

TV Series Examples



We're grateful to have good, strong men



l suppose l should be grateful