English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "abrupte" is: skielik en onverwags; kort tot die punt van onbeskofheid; kortaf; gebrek aan gladheid of kontinuïteit; steil of skerp skuins.

Sentence Examples

  1. Before me, the valley, with its steep sides coming to an abrupt end at the crags of the mountain is one of my most treasured places on the island.
  2. He motioned to Kandi with an abrupt wave, but put a finger to his lips.
  3. Abrupt panic leapt and her heart jumped, breaking through the daze that suppressed her.
  4. Had the whole actually vanished into air, it could not have shot from my sight in a more abrupt and instantaneous manner.
  5. He raised an eyebrow as she dressed, her movements clipped and abrupt.
  6. The railway track wound in and out among the passes, now approaching the mountain-sides, now suspended over precipices, avoiding abrupt angles by bold curves, plunging into narrow defiles, which seemed to have no outlet.
  7. Instinct getting the better of experience, he turned around in an abrupt movement lacking caution and composure.
  8. Then more questions were asked, principally by Capstick, but the interview came to an abrupt halt.
  9. Burl came to an abrupt halt and gestured curtly to the building before them.
  10. Behind Dan was a short corridor containing two doors, one on either side of the passage, which then came to an abrupt end.