English to afrikaans meaning of

Georgië is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verskeie betekenisse het, afhangende van die konteks, maar hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:'n Staat in die suidoostelike Verenigde State, begrens deur Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Noord-Carolina en Suid-Carolina.'n Land in die Kaukasus-streek van Eurasië, geleë op die kruispad van Wes-Asië en Oos-Europa.'n Vroulike voornaam.'n Soort harde, duursame hout van 'n boom inheems aan Suid-Amerika, wat gebruik word vir vloere, meubels en ander toepassings.Die oorsprong van die woord "Georgië" is geglo kom van die Middeleeuse Latynse naam "Georgius," wat die naam was van 'n Christelike martelaar en heilige uit die 4de eeu nC. Die naam is toe gebruik om die streek te beskryf waar hy begrawe is, wat uiteindelik die land Georgië geword het. Die Amerikaanse staat Georgia is genoem ter ere van koning George II van Engeland.

Sentence Examples

  1. You will have heard scattered reports by now of miraculous cures of terminal illnesses, in Central America and Mexico, in Los Angeles, in the US State of Georgia, in Bermuda and many other places.
  2. As soon as he had it in, he unhooked and leaped back into the aircraft, taking off into the puffy clouds of the burning Georgia summer sky.
  3. Sure enough Kelly, our Southern Belle from Georgia, is waving at him from across the room.
  4. For the last two years Sanchez had run a pre-qualifying unit at the joint-forces base in Washington, functioning as the prelim filter for the rookie classes of the formal two-year sniper school at Fort Benning, Georgia.
  5. No matter what occurred over the past few days nor his dalliance with Miss Georgia, I decide to drop my defiance.
  6. The gates receded, framed in the rearview mirror as the car floated onto the turnpike, winding north from Fort Benning through angry red hills of Georgia clay.
  7. They would start in northern Georgia in April and finish in Maine in October before the heavy snows.