English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "saamgesmelt" hang tipies af van sy deel van spraak en konteks. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Byvoeglike naamwoord: Vermeng of saamgevoeg tot 'n enkele entiteit of vorm. Voorbeeldsin: Die kunstenaar het verskillende kleure gebruik om 'n gesmelte glasbeeldhouwerk te skep.Werkwoord (verlede deelwoord van "smelt"): Gesmelt of saamgevoeg deur hitte of druk. Voorbeeldsin: Die metaalstukke is saamgesmelt om 'n naatlose binding te skep.Werkwoord (verlede tyd van "smelt"): Gekombineer of saamgevoeg om 'n enkele geheel te vorm. Voorbeeldsin: Die twee maatskappye het hul hulpbronne saamgesmelt om 'n nuwe produk bekend te stel.Werkwoord (onoorgaand): Om in 'n enkele entiteit of vorm te meng of saam te smelt. Voorbeeldsin: Die geure van die bestanddele wat saamgesmelt is om 'n heerlike gereg te skep.Werkwoord (oorgaand): Om (twee of meer dinge) te kombineer of te meng in 'n enkele entiteit of vorm. Voorbeeldsin: Die sjef het tradisionele en moderne kooktegnieke saamgesmelt om 'n unieke gereg te skep.Byvoeglike naamwoord (slang): Besope of onder die invloed van dwelms of alkohol. Voorbeeldsin: Hy het vreemd opgetree by die partytjie omdat hy saamgesmelt was deur te veel te drink.Let wel: Die betekenis van "gesmelt" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks en gebruik , dus is dit altyd die beste om 'n betroubare woordeboek te raadpleeg vir die mees akkurate definisie.


  1. amalgamate
  2. amalgamated
  3. consolidated
  4. coalesced

Sentence Examples

  1. With shaking hands, Kallan pulled at his shirt and the pool of black that had fused to the cloth.
  2. Making matters even worse, that pretty young tourist ambling over all that rock and scree at the base of the volcano has fused with the Paula-like sleuth of his imagining, despite the difference in hair colouring.
  3. Gudrun tried to pull back the cloth that had fused with the skin near his waist.
  4. The bones of its skull were fused into massive shoulders, giving the impression the creature was one massive torso with hairy arms and legs attached.
  5. The Seidr fused itself to the elements, until it lost itself inside the Earth, becoming a part of it, flowing with the waters, churning with the soils, and riding on the wind through the air.
  6. But the Seidr from that single source pulled at the Seidr lines fused to the earth and the air.
  7. There where the Seidr emerged from the life source and fused to the elements and life itself.
  8. He felt a new heart growing in his chest, even as the bones fused back together and the skin puckered and healed without a scar.
  9. All the while, their mouths fused in one tender, passionate kiss after another.
  10. The scales she added to his face that morning had all but fused, causing his robotic, mechanical eyes to come to life.