English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "frustrerend" veroorsaak gevoelens van teleurstelling, moedeloosheid of ergernis as gevolg van 'n onvermoƫ om 'n gewenste doel te bereik of 'n wettige verwagting te vervul. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat moeilik is om te verstaan of op te los, wat tot verwarring of verwarring lei. Oor die algemeen impliseer frustrerend 'n gevoel van belemmering of belemmering op een of ander manier, wat vordering of sukses verhoed.

Sentence Examples

  1. Flynn laughed for the first time in a long, frustrating day.
  2. As beautiful and right as the book felt in her hands, the fairies were frustrating her more than anyone ever had.
  3. For others, the kitchen is a boring or frustrating place, so they felt tremendous frustration when they believed that thought.
  4. When one could not focus on their meditation, it was more than frustrating.
  5. Men simply desire to protect their loved ones, and my inability to shield you is more frustrating than you realize.
  6. For some reason, I still felt compelled to keep that secret, which was frustrating but felt right.
  7. Very ingenious, but also very frustrating if you happened to be a person unaccustomed to searching for toilets inside rocks.
  8. Because Pearl never initiated sex, it was easy to avoid making love on fertile days, and when it could not be avoided, covert coitus interruptus was my frustrating friend.
  9. Our hardship, being the underlings in all of this, is beyond frustrating but it will be worth it , she thought.
  10. At the end of another frustrating week in her office, she had decided she might as well be frustrated close to her project.