English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "vrugtig" hou tipies verband met die geur of aroma van vrugte, of enigiets wat soos vrugte lyk of die eienskappe het. Dit kan ook gebruik word om iemand of iets wat lewendig, kleurvol en uitbundig is op 'n aangename of amusante manier te beskryf. In sommige gevalle kan "vrugtig" as 'n slengterm gebruik word om na homoseksuele gedrag of vroulike maniere te verwys, hoewel hierdie gebruik deur baie mense as neerhalend en aanstootlik beskou word.

Sentence Examples

  1. A sweet fruity aroma tinged with some kind of exotic herbs.
  2. Since he was eating out with Mia later, he settled for a mug of tea and a fruity flapjack.
  3. Being an older store, the bathroom had yet to be remodeled, but it was clean and smelled fruity.
  4. The air begins to smell sweet and fruity as they approach the vineyard that gives birth to the best wine in all the land.
  5. Displaying her nobility more than anything, her tresses had a fine sheen to it, and the night breeze that swayed them carried a hint of its fruity scent to my nose.
  6. It served as a surprisingly comfortable carpet, and produced tiny white flowers with a light, fruity aroma.
  7. Huddled by the punchbowl, she and her girlfriends sipped fruity cocktails.
  8. Her eyelids were heavily coated with sparkly shades of gold, and her fruity perfume blasted through the front end like a bad air freshener.
  9. After a moment of looking around, they pressed through the kitchens and out a back door, Prometheus leading the way into a garden resplendent with herbs and spices and layers of rich and fruity scents, not all of which she could identify.
  10. A fruity overpowering fragrance hit Harry and he accidentally ingested the scent.