English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Frans" kan verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks daarvan. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:(byvoeglike naamwoord) wat verband hou met Frankryk of sy mense, kultuur of taal(selfstandige naamwoord) die taal wat in Frankryk, dele van België gepraat word , Switserland en Kanada, en ander lande(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n persoon van Frankryk of van Franse afkoms(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n styl van kook wat gekenmerk word deur die gebruik van Franse kulinêre tegnieke en bestanddeleVoorbeeldsinne:"Ek is mal oor Franse kos, veral croissants en coq au vin.""Sophie is van Parys, so haar eerste taal is Frans.""My oupagrootouers was Frans, so ek het baie familie in Frankryk.""Ons studeer Franse geskiedenis hierdie semester op skool."

Sentence Examples

  1. His smile was warm and framed by a ridiculous French moustache.
  2. All that euphoria of staying at the elegant, historic Monteleone Hotel in the heart of the romantic French Quarter disappears and the horror of Katrina stares back at me everywhere.
  3. The same formalities having been gone through at the French consulate, and the palanquin having stopped at the hotel for the luggage, which had been sent back there, they returned to the wharf.
  4. Fogg applied in vain to the French and English consuls, and, after wandering through the streets a long time, began to despair of finding his missing servant.
  5. The latter, without a word, made a rush for him, grasped him by the throat, and, much to the amusement of a group of Americans, who immediately began to bet on him, administered to the detective a perfect volley of blows, which proved the great superiority of French over English pugilistic skill.
  6. I drive through the tourist-infested French Quarter amazed at how the lure of Bourbon Street keeps them coming no matter what.
  7. He knew several French and English songs, and resolved to try them upon the Japanese, who must be lovers of music, since they were for ever pounding on their cymbals, tam-tams, and tambourines, and could not but appreciate European talent.
  8. Catherine leant over and retrieved the volume, though she was unable to discern its contents as the language within was French.
  9. Madame Nonny large, French, powdered with a heady perfume that surrounded her like an almost tangible presence, had her arms open wide and a genuine smile upon her face.
  10. The broach he gave her was unmistakably French in design, and her eyes widened at the sight of it.