English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "paragraaf" is 'n duidelike afdeling van 'n geskrewe of gedrukte werk wat een of meer sinne bevat en gewoonlik deur inkeping of 'n leë reël tussen afdelings aangedui word. Dit is 'n skryfeenheid wat handel oor 'n bepaalde punt of idee en word gemerk deur op 'n nuwe reël te begin en dikwels deur inkeping van die eerste reël. In 'n breër sin kan 'n paragraaf ook verwys na enige afsonderlike gedeelte van 'n diskoers, soos 'n toespraak of 'n gesprek.

Sentence Examples

  1. I looked over the paper, for I really did not know what he meant but he took it from me and pointed out a paragraph about children being decoyed away at Hampstead.
  2. SEVEN THE LAST PARAGRAPH OF HER LETTER TO Marmie seemed a little ridiculous.
  3. If I had any idea what was already starting to happen at my house I would have been glad to be safe and sound, writing a paragraph in English class.
  4. Yawning through numerous entries, I finally found one that formed a whole paragraph.
  5. Carmichael read the paragraph again, then put his hands back in their praying position and thought before replying.
  6. Expecting Alexa to write a good paragraph was like handing a blind person a paintbrush and waiting for a masterpiece.
  7. Then I tried to study history, jiggling my foot, reading the same paragraph over and over.
  8. The screen of his laptop stares back at him, the cursor arrow pointing at the end of a solitary paragraph, as if in mockery.
  9. And touching that mildew upon which the editor of Le Soleil so pertinaciously insists, that he employs the word no less than three times in the brief paragraph just quoted, is he really unaware of the nature of this mildew?
  10. A very thorough combing of the first paragraph, and a bit of brushing and gargling with a mouthwash solu-tion were therefore essential before he sent his nov-el out into the world.