English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "voorkom" is om te voorkom of iets te verhinder om te gebeur, tipies deur voor die tyd op te tree. Dit kan ook beteken om 'n gebeurtenis te antisipeer of te voorspel en aksie te neem om te voorkom dat dit plaasvind of om goedere of kommoditeite vooraf op te koop om die mark te beheer.


  1. counter
  2. foresee
  3. anticipate

Sentence Examples

  1. Loki raised a hand as if to forestall any further questions.
  2. Cordivan and her predecessors had promised reunification with the territories west of the Alleghenies for so long that in the end she was compelled to give the order, though it came too late to forestall the rise of her rival, Joseph Harken.
  3. Tyr held up a hand to forestall any of the men from speaking.
  4. Marcus raised his hands to forestall her and took a careful step backward.
  5. And there was nothing I could do to forestall or deflect her destiny.
  6. He was shaking and held up one hand as if to forestall her questions.
  7. That chaos was engulfing Midgard, and only if humanity banded together could they forestall the end.