English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord beteken "volg" 'n groep mense of dinge wat agter iemand of iets anders kom of agter iemand of iets anders aan kom. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om iemand of iets te volg of agtervolg.As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord beteken "volg" kom na of gebeur as gevolg van iets anders. Byvoorbeeld, "die volgende dag" beteken die dag wat kom na die een wat voorheen genoem is.Hier is 'n paar voorbeeldsinne:Selfstandige naamwoord:Die celebrity se aanhang het gegroei nadat sy haar nuwe album vrygestel het.Die stapper het omgedraai en 'n aanhang van mense agter haar gesien.Byvoeglike naamwoord:Die volgende week moes ek elke dag laat werk.Lees asseblief die volgende instruksies aandagtig deur voordat die eksperiment begin word.



Sentence Examples

  1. Markos, Ellen, Lenny and I hovered around the main office the following afternoon, all in varying degrees of tiredness.
  2. He explained that Profess Monroe had promised to grade it over the weekend and let him know the following week before the next practice.
  3. After we all made our concessions, the plan was to invite Carla to The Big Beanery the following morning.
  4. No longer interested in worsening my mood by talking to the sheriff, I pushed that task off until the following day.
  5. She planned to scan and enter them into the student system for me, then return them to my desk, so I could deliver them to the class the following week.
  6. I considered following a student inside to gander at the dreary interior décor, but stopped when two snowballs slammed into my shoulder.
  7. Abby had spent most of her life specializing in broadcasting and media studies, following a similar post-undergraduate degree path as me.
  8. Brooke had the innate feeling someone or something was following her.
  9. When I wrapped up, he mentioned relaying the details to the network executive the following morning.
  10. As I pulled up the bedcovers, I closed my eyes and prepared for my conversation with Carla the following morning.