English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord, kan "fluit" verwys na 'n musiekinstrument met 'n silindriese vorm en gewoonlik gemaak van metaal of hout, wat gespeel word deur lug oor 'n gat aan die een kant te blaas terwyl u sleutels druk of vingergate bedek om die toonhoogte van die klank.As 'n werkwoord kan "fluit" beteken om 'n fluit te speel of om 'n klank soos 'n fluit te maak. Dit kan ook beteken om groewe of kanale in 'n oppervlak te vorm, tipies parallel aan mekaar, soos in die dekoratiewe patroon van 'n kolom of gietwerk.

Sentence Examples

  1. The silver flute she stroked contrasted with crimson fingernails, as did the rings on her fingers.
  2. When he visited Madeline, he would play his bamboo flute.
  3. He wore a jester hat, which jingled with every step, and a golden flute was clutched in a gloved hand.
  4. A group of them played instruments including drums, a flute, a tambourine, and a stringed instrument that she had never before seen.
  5. Volunteers passed out sparkling wine in plastic flute glasses.
  6. The impact dislodges the cork, which ricochets off the ceiling into the tower of flute glasses, knocking them over like bowling pins.
  7. Such things kept the symposium guests jovial, though perhaps more of them leered at the entirely nude flute girls across the courtyard than at Pandora.
  8. When we wave off a five-dollar tea towel or ten-dollar elephant statue, they simply cannot understand why if we have money to burn, all of us, why not buy a flute or hat or whatever they are flogging?
  9. Beautiful flute music began to play, Bella reappeared no longer in her witch costume, moving seductively to the music.
  10. Sara pulled a flute from her waistband and played a melody.