English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "plat" kan verskeie betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:Byvoeglike naamwoord: 'n gelyk oppervlak hê, sonder verhewe areas of bulte. Voorbeeld: Die tafel was plat en glad.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n selfstandige wooneenheid, gewoonlik bestaande uit een vertrek of 'n stel kamers. Voorbeeld: Sy het in 'n klein woonstel in die middestad gewoon.Byvoeglike naamwoord: sonder enige entoesiasme of opgewondenheid; Dowwe. Voorbeeld: Die partytjie was redelik plat, niemand het gelyk of dit pret gehad het nie.Bywoord: heeltemal of heeltemal; sonder variasie of afwyking. Voorbeeld: Die pad was kilometers lank plat reguit.Byvoeglike naamwoord: gebrek aan smaak, nie skerp of suur nie; met 'n sagte geur. Voorbeeld: Die koeldrank was plat, dit het sy bruis verloor.Byvoeglike naamwoord: 'n lae toonhoogte of toon. Voorbeeld: Die sanger se stem was baie plat tydens die uitvoering.Byvoeglike naamwoord: met 'n horisontale posisie; lê. Voorbeeld: Sy het plat op haar rug op die bed gelê.Byvoeglike naamwoord: gebrek aan geld of hulpbronne; finansieel gebreek. Voorbeeld: Nadat hy sy werk verloor het, was hy plat gebroke.


  1. apartment

Sentence Examples

  1. They took the time to carve the back of the chairs to conform to the human back, instead of making their slats from flat wood.
  2. The small brass object collapsed flat and looked rather like a funnel when she extended it.
  3. Before long, I skated across a sheet of ice like an awkward ballerina wearing clown shoes and fell flat on my back.
  4. Next thing I knew, I was pinned in a restraining position, flat on my stomach with my hands behind my back.
  5. Ada, meanwhile, had thrown herself flat on the tarmac to avoid the lashing tail and was stabbing wildly with her dagger.
  6. He tried to walk, but fell flat on his face, blood pooling around him as he lost consciousness.
  7. He carried a boom box, which he set on a flat tree stump near the center of a circle of folding chairs and logs positioned around the fire.
  8. I trod lightly down the corridor, pressing myself flat to the wall when I came in range of the security camera.
  9. Spreading herself flat on her belly, Cianne extended a hand, and Kila boosted Vivie up.
  10. I lay flat and it bounced over my head, and the girl threw herself to the ground, too.