English to afrikaans meaning of

Poseidon is 'n selfstandige naamwoord in die Griekse mitologie, wat verwys na die antieke Griekse god van die see, oseane, aardbewings en perde. Hy is een van die twaalf Olimpiese gode en word gewoonlik uitgebeeld as 'n volwasse man met 'n lang baard, wat 'n drietand vashou en vergesel word van seediere, soos dolfyne of perde. In die Griekse mitologie is Poseidon beskou as die broer van Zeus en Hades, en is dikwels geassosieer met storms, aardbewings en skeepswrakke. Die woord "Poseidon" kan ook verwys na die tweede grootste planeet in ons sonnestelsel, Neptunus, wat vernoem is na die Romeinse ekwivalent van Poseidon.

Sentence Examples

  1. I got her untangled and let her go, in spite of some fairly intense opposition to that plan from the other guys on the boat, and Poseidon showed up and thanked me.
  2. Pandora spotted trays of apricots and walnuts, of olives and sweet breads, and of oysters and clams probably traded for with the mer down by the Cove of Poseidon.
  3. Ah, but then, even if such existed, his god Dagon must dwell in the waters around Phoenikia, and the Aegean belonged to Poseidon the Olympian mer.
  4. Their brother, Poseidon, who caught her and managed to keep the two of them from tumbling into a heap.
  5. Poseidon nodded, then turned to stare down at the fish so deeply she imagined him naming each of them.
  6. Poseidon was a bit younger than Hera but still older than the twins, with a knowing smile and an irritatingly handsome face.
  7. Once, she had believed Poseidon kinder and more worthy than his sisters.
  8. It had allowed her to spy upon the inhabitants of the palace, to watch Poseidon as he drew yet another hapless slave girl into his bed.
  9. Across from them, other siblings, Hera and Poseidon, both grim-faced and watching the Titan in the centre of the chamber.
  10. Poseidon told me to be here after I rescued a mermaid.