English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "vlag" veelvuldige betekenisse, insluitend:'n Stuk lap of ander materiaal, gewoonlik reghoekig, met 'n kenmerkende ontwerp of kleure, wat as 'n simbool gebruik word, toestel, versiering of standaard.'n Merker of identifiseerder, soos 'n merker, etiket of kenteken.'n Sein of teken, veral een wat gevaar of 'n probleem aandui.'n Soort plant, tipies lank en blaarryk, wat in klam of nat gebiede groei.As 'n werkwoord kan "vlag" beteken:Om 'n vlag of ander simbool te merk of te identifiseer.Om met 'n vlag of ander toestel te sein of te kommunikeer.Om moeg, swak of minder entoesiasties te word , soos in "sy energie het begin vlag nadat hy ure lank gewerk het."Om te waarsku of waarsku, soos in "om 'n probleem vir aandag te vlag."

Sentence Examples

  1. One of the men sported a confederate flag bandana tied around his head and several of the girls wore short shorts and bikini tops.
  2. It was like a having a gigantic pimple waving a flag on the tip of your nose.
  3. The coffin was draped with the blue ceremonial flag of West Yorkshire Police, on top of which lay a small mountain of floral tributes, a white crucifix of carnations.
  4. ISIL has threatened another Holocaust against the Jews, vowing to raise their black flag in Jerusalem.
  5. A UK flag was housed into a suspended pole overlooking the centre of the building.
  6. Led by a Jordanian, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and adopting the black standard battle flag of Muhammad, the board is still in play.
  7. The signals made by the Tankadere had been seen by the captain of the Yokohama steamer, who, espying the flag at half-mast, had directed his course towards the little craft.
  8. If it flag for an instant, an oversight is committed resulting in injury or defeat.
  9. His black uniform was coveted in patches, one of them was the flag of the United Kingdom on his upper right arm.
  10. Jason stopped and pointed at an orange flag painted on a mighty hemlock tree.