English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vader" is:(selfstandige naamwoord)'n manlike ouer wat vaderlike sorg en leiding aan 'n kind verskaf het'n manlike voorouer'n persoon wat beskou word as die stigter of skepper van iets'n titel wat in sommige Christelike denominasies aan 'n priester gegee word 'n respekvolle aanspreektyd vir 'n bejaarde man(werkwoord)om pa te wees of op te tree om tegee oorsprong of aanleiding tot; skep of gevind.


  1. don

Sentence Examples

  1. I texted back a confirmation and caught sight of my father approaching from the dance floor.
  2. Then we present your father with a service award, and a few folks make speeches between six and seven.
  3. Castle considered my words, then saw my father step to the podium.
  4. At six feet, my father stood only three inches taller than me, but the dominant Ayrwick genes made him look gargantuan.
  5. Was my father involved in a potentially illegal or unethical situation?
  6. She called while I was putting on my face and wanted to know if your father had changed his mind about retiring.
  7. The explicit focus on my father alarmed me the most.
  8. Kellan, my protagonist, is a thirtyish single father, whereas traditionally a woman is the main character.
  9. My father was passionate about keeping the authenticity of a traditional log cabin while my mom required all the modern conveniences.
  10. A quick perusal of the earlier posts revealed similar sentiments, all fixated on my father for some perceived sense of unfair balance with the generous donations bestowed upon Braxton.

TV Series Examples



Your father and brother



l know he was like a father to you.



Please make Father say yes!



That you were avenging my father when you



rescue your father from his guests.



- None of us will ever father sons.