English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "ver" het verskeie verskillende betekenisse na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike woordeboekbetekenisse van die woord "ver":Bywoord: By, na of oor 'n groot afstand in ruimte of tyd. Voorbeeld: "Hy woon ver van die stad af."Byvoeglike naamwoord: Ver in ruimte of tyd; afgeleë. Voorbeeld: "Hulle het na verafgeleë bestemmings gereis."Byvoeglike naamwoord: Meer ver as iets anders van dieselfde soort. Voorbeeld: "Dit is die verste punt wat ons kan bereik."Byvoeglike naamwoord: Verder as wat redelik of aanvaarbaar is; buitensporig. Voorbeeld: "Dit is 'n bietjie te ver om vir 'n grap te gaan."Byvoeglike naamwoord: Anders; afsonderlik. Voorbeeld: "Hulle kom van heinde en ver."Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Lang pad. Voorbeeld: "Ons het 'n ver om te gaan voordat ons ons bestemming bereik."Werkwoord: In 'n groot mate of mate; veel. Voorbeeld: "Ek het die boek baie meer geniet as wat ek verwag het."Werkwoord: Om te vorder of te vorder. Voorbeeld: "Die projek het 'n lang pad gevorder en het nog 'n pad om te loop."Neem asseblief kennis dat die betekenisse van 'n woord kan verskil na gelang van die spesifieke woordeboekwese verwys word en die konteks waarin die woord gebruik word. Dit is altyd die beste om 'n betroubare woordeboek te raadpleeg vir die mees akkurate en bygewerkte definisies.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Bears had won both of their games so far this season, and the crowd was intense with excitement.
  2. I felt awful holding that information from him, but knowing his current or former girlfriend might be the person who killed Abby and Lorraine seemed far worse.
  3. As far as I knew, she had no children or a husband.
  4. The motive for this crime made little sense based on what I knew so far.
  5. It had never happened, not as far as the Alliance knew, and from what Nell had told me, their records went back over a thousand years.
  6. The last line I caught before she was out of range made me laugh, thinking about how far someone would go to demand a better mark.
  7. She noted the far corner near the oak tree and bench on the narrow path toward Glass Hall.
  8. Councilman Stanton and Coach Oliver argued about something, but I was too far away to guess the crux.
  9. I stood on the far side of the campus, not remotely near any other buildings.
  10. The room was dark, and a low-rattling noise emanated from the far corner.

TV Series Examples



We're still not far from Pentos,



We're going as far south as south goes.



As far south as south goes,



Go as far away as you can,



Disturbing news from far away.



You're far from home, Lady Stark.