English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "plofstof" is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat iets beskryf wat waarskynlik 'n ontploffing, skielike en gewelddadige vrystelling van energie of materiaal kan veroorsaak, of wat gekenmerk word deur 'n skielike en gewelddadige vrystelling van energie. Dit kan ook gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat hoogs opwindend of sensasioneel is, wat 'n sterk emosionele reaksie kan voortbring, of wat waarskynlik vinnig sal eskaleer of wisselvallig word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Hughes had stunned it with pepper spray designed to repel grizzly bears, which made it furious and explosive.
  2. He was carrying a bulky case containing the materials and equipment he used to analyze explosive debris.
  3. Aramael was the most volatile of an already explosive choir, and he was right.
  4. One big, unmistakable explosive metaphor, a life scattered apart as surely as the bent wire and broken glass that littered the gym floor.
  5. He was submerged over his head, but his feet found the bottom, and he pushed upward as hard as he could, ignoring the explosive pain in his knee, and launched himself back toward the surface.
  6. Explosive and biohazard teams are in place with cell phone jamming equipment and containment units for the bodies.
  7. With an explosive guffaw, the man with her top tossed the few bits of fabric and string into the pool.
  8. The waves were flat, so there were no explosive crashes when they broke.
  9. These explosive charges are dead until we wake them.
  10. The explosive setup was placed inside the body cavity at the time of embalming, along with the propulsion system for the pathogens.