English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "uiteindelik" is "voorkom of bestaan op 'n later tydstip; uiteindelike; finaal." Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat waarskynlik sal gebeur of wat verwag word om uiteindelik te gebeur, maar nie onmiddellik nie. Daarbenewens kan dit beteken "wat verband hou met die einde of finale uitslag van iets, veral 'n regsaak of proses."

Sentence Examples

  1. The latter at least gave Boman a slim hope of eventual escape.
  2. The forces of Velkarath are rising and their eventual end game is to destroy us.
  3. The newcomers were chatting and laughing amongst themselves, obviously enjoying this grand new adventure, despite not knowing its eventual outcome.
  4. His eventual succession which we will all view with sadness.
  5. There was no relief for my eventual hunger and thirst.
  6. Other sessions focused on aggressive combinations with the intent to throw his eventual opponent off-balance.
  7. Most likely her ancestor was asking for French victory in the war, along with an eventual rescue from captivity.
  8. She hoped to heaven his eventual replacement would be as accommodating.
  9. She grabbed the steering wheel from me, slid over and half-under the dash to hit the brakes, and brought the racing car to an eventual stand-still.
  10. The JA vice president for Africa had sent out an e-mail to JA World-wide that the Democratic Republic of Congo would be the ninth JA member nation in Africa, and Swaziland and Gambia had become JA affiliates with plans for eventual full membership.