English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gelyk" is "op 'n eenvormige of konsekwente wyse; sonder variasie of afwyking." Dit kan ook beteken "gelyk, in gelyke hoeveelhede of proporsies."

Sentence Examples

  1. From his exalted position Passepartout observed with much curiosity the wide streets, the low, evenly ranged houses, the Anglo-Saxon Gothic churches, the great docks, the palatial wooden and brick warehouses, the numerous conveyances, omnibuses, horse-cars, and upon the side-walks, not only Americans and Europeans, but Chinese and Indians.
  2. The boles were evenly spaced, and light filtered down into the undergrowth in an intricate lattice.
  3. There was also a thick stack of envelopes held together by a rubber band and a set of blocks stacked evenly within a clear, plastic square.
  4. Balancing her weight evenly on her bare feet, Kallan fired her Seidr flame into a second warrior charging her left, but the first rebounded, undeterred by the cauterized laceration that stretched from the right side of his mouth to his left eye.
  5. Richard filthy, wrapped in a coarse homespun cloak lined with a malodorous sheepskin, stared back evenly at Somer.
  6. To her left were two evenly spaced single beds and a tall wardrobe was built into the wall to her right.
  7. Stone columns were evenly spaced out, supporting the painted ceiling.
  8. Also, expenses for the first year had been estimated and then spread evenly across the months.
  9. He turned it evenly, the firelight reflected in his eyes.
  10. Even his gray hair seemed as perfectly trimmed as hair could be with remnants of dark-brown evenly distributed.