English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "betrek" is om te betrek of in te sluit as 'n noodsaaklike of noodsaaklike deel of gevolg. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n regsituasie waarin eiendom nie verkoop of geërf kan word sonder om ook sekere verantwoordelikhede of verpligtinge, soos skuld of regseise, oor te dra nie. Daarbenewens kan "betrek" ook beteken om die erfenis van eiendom te beperk tot 'n spesifieke lyn van afstammelinge, soos in die frase "betrokken boedel."

Sentence Examples

  1. A few days after the banana trip, Wendy arrived in Kenya and learned what her work for the next year would entail.
  2. That would entail some mighty explaining, and I was not the storyteller in the family.
  3. If the King would not give his permission, Calder would still marry her, but it would entail deceit and, ultimately, treachery against the King that he had served and respected for such a long time.
  4. Her heart had begun to thump in her chest as she wondered just what this meeting would entail.