English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord emosie is 'n sterk gevoel soos vreugde, liefde, woede of vrees, wat dikwels gepaard gaan met 'n fisiologiese reaksie, soos verhoogde hartklop of sweet. Emosies is 'n natuurlike en subjektiewe reaksie op situasies of ervarings, en dit kan op verskeie maniere uitgedruk word, soos deur gesigsuitdrukkings, lyftaal en stemtoon. Emosies speel 'n beduidende rol in menslike gedrag en kan gedagtes, besluite en optrede beïnvloed.

Sentence Examples

  1. Arantay rarely showed emotion, never even raised his voice, but in that moment a piercing scream was wrenched from his soul.
  2. He was not, it is true, resigned but this last blow failed to force him into an outward betrayal of any emotion.
  3. Her color was high, her face pinched in anger, and he was astonished at the show of emotion.
  4. The tranquil Fogg waited, without betraying any emotion.
  5. I stood on my tippy toes to look down just as he slowly rose into my view, his face void of any kind of emotion.
  6. She had kissed other boys before but none compared to this, none contained such raw emotion and passion.
  7. And that is all it takes for my pent-up emotion to overwhelm me.
  8. Aouda, with an emotion she tried to conceal, said to Mr.
  9. Emotion flooded back as she realised her predicament, but when she tried to stand Arantay touched her again.
  10. Richard saw in the depths of her brown eyes that anger was very soon going to be the triumphant emotion.