English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "elektries" is:byvoeglike naamwoordVerband met, gegenereer deur of bedryf deur elektrisiteit. Met betrekking tot of betrokke by die wetenskap of tegnologie van elektrisiteit.Voorbeeldsin: "Hy het die elektriese bedrading in die huis reggemaak."

Sentence Examples

  1. That strange tingling sensation I had back in my hotel room returns in a rush, buzzing me like an electrical shock.
  2. Tiny, electrical pulses traveled the scars on my arms, triggering a powerful itching in my palms.
  3. Electrical wires and poles cut the sky into squares.
  4. Almost too late, she saw the red and orange of the electrical charge he flung toward her.
  5. Tents and electrical gear snaked around the back of the Monument.
  6. As the electrical wires sparked into the gasoline, it set off the remainder of the gas in the tank, and the limo exploded in a huge fireball visible throughout the city.
  7. Cool lips traced my jugular, unfazed by the storm of tiny electrical currents erupting from my skin.
  8. The static electrical shock looks like a lightning bolt between our fingers.
  9. No one talks about the future if the iCloud bursts and electrical impulses disappear.
  10. Then the lights came on and flickered in intermittent patterns simulating an electrical short.