English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord dankbaarheid is die kwaliteit of gevoel om dankbaar, waarderend en dankbaar te wees vir iets wat ontvang of ervaar is. Dit is 'n positiewe emosie of houding wat erkenning gee aan die voordele, gunste of vriendelikheid wat ontvang word van ander of uit die lewe in die algemeen. Dankbaarheid word dikwels geassosieer met gevoelens van vreugde, tevredenheid en welsyn, en word beskou as 'n wenslike en voordelige eienskap om in jouself te kweek.

Sentence Examples

  1. My gratitude to Angela Webster for translating in a meeting and providing me with valuable research material, and to the César Manrique Foundation for providing me with an account of their own fight against corruption.
  2. After all, she owed Phileas Fogg her life, and she always regarded him through the exalting medium of her gratitude.
  3. I would like to express my special gratitude to Christy Byrnes for her valuable feedback on an early version of the manuscript.
  4. A visceral sense of gratitude and creativity took hold of me.
  5. I barely had time to whisper words of gratitude to the fireman, who was looking at me rather severely, when Ally almost plowed over me.
  6. On the other hand, she felt a pathetic sense of gratitude that her father had stood up for her.
  7. During the first days of the journey Aouda became better acquainted with her protector, and constantly gave evidence of her deep gratitude for what he had done.
  8. After expressing his gratitude, the man and his blissful toddler went on their way.
  9. After Ally offered a quick account of the accident, he voiced his gratitude and helped rush the stretcher to the ambulance.
  10. Kila knew for a fact that plenty of his colleagues felt a great deal of gratitude toward the Houses for having liberated them from the cold and dank of their old headquarters.

TV Series Examples



We have nothing but gratitude