English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "elektries" hou verband met of aangedryf deur elektrisiteit, of het 'n lading as gevolg van die teenwoordigheid of beweging van elektrone. Die term kan ook verwys na iets wat dinamies, opwindend of stimulerend is, soos in die frase "elektriese atmosfeer" of "elektriese werkverrigting."

Sentence Examples

  1. It had been like an electric shock right through my bones.
  2. My legs were stiff from yesterday, but I could still feel the electric tingle of magic in my blood.
  3. As he passed her the wooden sword their hands touched briefly it was like receiving a small electric shock.
  4. The Alliance had ways of harnessing magic like electricity using offworld technology, less damaging than an actual electric fence, but just as much of a deterrent.
  5. Her skin felt electric when his fingertips grazed her lower back.
  6. I swayed on my feet, drained of the electric rush, and horrified.
  7. Evan saw one girl firing flame tipped arrows at a crowd of fiends, whilst another lobbed grenade after grenade at the minions, causing electric explosions which sent body parts everywhere.
  8. The feel of his lips against her skin was electric, the feeling spread up her whole arm, flooding through her.
  9. Evan gasped for air, simultaneously recoiling from the electric shock the cannonball emitted.
  10. The impact barely registered as magic slammed into me again, and this time, it was like an electric shock.