English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sterf" is die teenwoordige deelwoord van die werkwoord "sterf." Dit kan as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord of 'n werkwoord gebruik word.As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord beteken "sterf" in die proses van of naderende dood, of in 'n toestand van agteruitgang of naby die einde van iets. Byvoorbeeld, "die sterwende pasiënt" of "die sterwende kole van 'n vuur."As 'n werkwoord beteken "sterwe" om op te hou lewe of om uit te sterf. Byvoorbeeld, "die plant is besig om dood te gaan omdat dit nie natgemaak is nie" of "die bedreigde spesie sterf uit."


  1. death
  2. demise

Sentence Examples

  1. Dying was the easy way out everything else was complicated.
  2. That would have been impractical with the numbers dying in a war that would very shortly have an end.
  3. The street lamps flickered and then dimmed, like dying fireflies, and the streets surrendered to darkness.
  4. Now that I knew his family was also involved, I was dying to know what their involvement was.
  5. How ironic was it that I would escape the premonitions by dying myself?
  6. Evan felt himself falling unconscious, or maybe he was dying.
  7. No, she said, her chin quivering, she was here because her mother was dying and the school had been nice enough to rent them the Gate House for the duration.
  8. Emillia, Elijah and Sintian were out cold, he remembered Jed, blood pooling around his head as he lay, possibly dying.
  9. I let the evil desire rule my judgment with her, as I did you, and will carry that sin with me until my dying day.
  10. Dying was not high on my list of things to do anytime soon, but this time it appeared inevitable.