English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "pligsgetrou" is:byvoeglike naamwoord: die uitvoering van die pligte wat van een verwag of vereis word; gehoorsaam nakom van 'n mens se verpligtinge.Voorbeeldsin: Die pligsgetroue seun het altyd sy bejaarde ouers met hul boodskappe gehelp en na hulle gesorg wanneer hulle siek was.


  1. duteous

Sentence Examples

  1. Being a dutiful servant, she picked it up and chased him with it in her hand.
  2. No one wanted to risk his wrath or the possibility of losing their position within the Keep, so they determined that they would be as respectful and dutiful toward her as they could manage.
  3. She had trouble being dutiful and attending parties and brunches while appearing to enjoy them.
  4. I will do my best to find out more and, ever the dutiful son, write in generous detail.
  5. Midnight, dutiful steed that he was, had remained.
  6. Peter Hawkins, Exeter, to say, with his dutiful respects, that he is sorry for his delay, and that all of his work is completed.
  7. Close to him, dressed in entirely new clothes, advanced smilingly Count Andrea Cavalcanti, the dutiful son, whom we also know.