English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "konjak" is 'n soort brandewyn van hoë gehalte wat in die konjakstreek van Frankryk vervaardig word. Cognac word gemaak deur wyn te distilleer en dit vir etlike jare in eikehoutvate te verouder. Dit word tipies as 'n digestief bedien en word dikwels as 'n luukse item beskou as gevolg van sy lang en noukeurige produksieproses. Die term "konjak" word ook soms meer algemeen gebruik om te verwys na enige soort brandewyn wat op 'n soortgelyke manier as konjak gemaak word, ongeag die plek van oorsprong.

Sentence Examples

  1. Some cognac settled him, but he stiffened as his ulcer burned.
  2. Perhaps the old bastard had put something in the cognac.
  3. He had chalked it up to the cognac, but a part of him still wondered if this bizarre chatter was serious.
  4. I must also warn that the cognac seems to have had a lasting effect.
  5. Cognac in hand, he sat at the south window fearful of the growing cloud cover, while Fosgate tuned to the BBC.
  6. With you on your way home, I spent long nights in the Babcock Lounge with Simon and his tall glasses of cognac.
  7. Unlike the overindulgence in brandy, where all of humanity is dismal, cognac is best when one desires a more personal disdain.
  8. Trembling, he set his cognac on the coaster beside him and disappeared from the study without a word.
  9. And for an instant now, found himself wondering about his cognac.
  10. He slipped the pipe from his lips and sipped some cognac.