English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "droog" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar sommige algemene definisies sluit in:Gebrekkige vog; nie nat of klam nie: Byvoorbeeld, "die klere was droog nadat hulle 'n uur in die droër was."Sonder emosie of uitdrukking: Byvoorbeeld, "het hy 'n droë gegee. antwoord op haar vraag."Vry van vloeistof of oortollige vog: Byvoorbeeld, "die droë seisoen word gekenmerk deur 'n gebrek aan reën."Nie soet nie, soos in kos of drank: Byvoorbeeld, "hy verkies sy wyn droog eerder as soet."Dowwer of oninteressant: Byvoorbeeld , "die lesing was droog en vervelig."Gebrekkige alkoholinhoud: Byvoorbeeld, "hy het 'n droë martini sonder enige vermout bestel."

Sentence Examples

  1. His shoulders shook with dry sobs as he buried his face in his hands.
  2. I searched for a piece of a flannel shirt untouched by the falling sleet or the embarrassing crash to the ground and wiped them dry.
  3. The back of my throat was dry, and my body ached from the battering it had taken yesterday.
  4. His mouth went dry as she plucked pins from her hair, causing it to tumble over her shoulders and down to her waist in a cascade of loose curls.
  5. The waves were so realistic he was surprised his fingers remained dry when he touched them.
  6. Before he wallows into those depths, however, Maddox gets back on dry ground, returning to his stern cop demeanor, and I chide myself on using too many metaphors.
  7. He stands and uses a towel to dry the water Lori splashed around the tub in an effort to save herself.
  8. I finish my hair, dry off and get dressed in a daze, then meet Mimi in the kitchen.
  9. The ground was dry here, protected by its natural ceiling.
  10. Roy obliged, so I took advantage of the moment and sat on one of the benches out front under the overhang, where the seats were dry.

TV Series Examples



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