English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "boor" verskeie betekenisse hê:'n Gereedskap of masjien wat gebruik word om gate of ander holtes in 'n materiaal te boor.'n Oefening of oefensessie, veral vir militêre personeel.'n Herhalende en sistematiese oefening of roetine wat ontwerp is om 'n vaardigheid of vermoë te verbeter.Enige van verskeie mariene visse wat tot die genus "Makaira" behoort. ," soos die marlyn.As 'n werkwoord kan "boor" beteken:Om 'n gat in iets te maak met 'n boor of soortgelyke gereedskap .Om iemand of 'n groep mense in 'n bepaalde vaardigheid of aktiwiteit op te lei of te onderrig.Om 'n herhalende en sistematiese oefening of roetine uit te voer om 'n vaardigheid of vermoë te verbeter. li>

Sentence Examples

  1. He ran over to an abandoned cab, popped the dented hood and used the portable drill to loosen its battery clamps.
  2. Crowds of people flocked both sides of the road as the hearse, flanked by six uniformed sergeants and a drill instructor, made its way from Millgarth police station to the same church outside which the deceased had fallen just days earlier.
  3. He played with Tesser in the quadrangle which had been used once before in another time for military drill and ceremony.
  4. Back at the helicopter, Everon brought out the portable drill.
  5. A half dozen in mint condition would convince grownups we sat out the drill in a church.
  6. From the tower generator locker, John Coates let Everon borrow a portable drill and a few wrenches.
  7. Harassed by the other redneck drill instructor named W.
  8. I guess that old drill sergeant instinct kicked in.
  9. Kayla opened her backpack and withdrew a long, wand-like instrument that also doubled as a handheld drill.
  10. and watched enough television shows to know the drill.