English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "dubbel" die volgende betekenisse hê:'n Getal of hoeveelheid wat twee keer so groot is as 'n ander.'n Vou of plooi in 'n stuk stof wat 'n dubbellaag vorm.'n Persoon wat 'n presiese gelykenis van 'n ander is; 'n dubbelganger.In tennis en ander raketsporte, 'n skoot wat met 'n rughandbeweging geslaan word en oor die baan gaan.As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord, "dubbel" kan die volgende betekenisse hê:Bestaande uit twee dele of elemente; tweevoudig of tweevoudig.Twee keer soveel in grootte, hoeveelheid, hoeveelheid of graad.Betrek of bestaan uit twee kunstenaars of instrumente.Bedrieglik of bedrieglik ; oneerlik.As werkwoord kan "verdubbel" die volgende betekenisse hê:Om met twee te vermenigvuldig.Om te maak 'n duplikaat of kopie van iets.Om oor te vou of in twee te buig.Om twee rolle te speel of twee take gelyktydig uit te voer.Om te bedrieg of te kul iemand.

Sentence Examples

  1. In need of a boost once the lecture ended, I ordered a double macchiato and butterscotch Rice Krispies treat at The Big Beanery.
  2. While Myriam selected a cup of herbal tea and a fruit salad, I ordered a double espresso and a slice of coffee cake, needing the extra boost.
  3. I concentrated on the flailing monster, which was beginning to recover from the double attack.
  4. She was studying to become a teacher with a double focus in English literature and music education.
  5. Taretta rushed towards Cera, double checking she was healed properly, then moved on to Evan, her face creased to a worried frown.
  6. The more I head back towards the others, however, the stronger the sound, and the goosebumps double.
  7. Weakened by the double attack, the wyvern staggered sideways.
  8. I shook the troubling thoughts from my head, confident my former best friend was not a double killer.
  9. They owned a large business, in one of the biggest skyscrapers in the city, shaped like a double helix.
  10. A master swordsman nearly always bluffs, and double bluffs.

TV Series Examples



l'd double their taxes and command them