English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "gedoem" sal waarskynlik 'n ongelukkige en onvermydelike uitkoms hê, soos dood, mislukking of vernietiging. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat veroordeel of tot 'n onaangename of rampspoedige einde veroordeel is.

Sentence Examples

  1. He had found in the letter-box a bill from the gas company, and he thought it more than time to put a stop to this expense, which he had been doomed to bear.
  2. His wife and son would be doomed to endless struggles.
  3. The lealest lover time can show, Doomed for a lady-love to languish, Among these solitudes doth go, A prey to every kind of anguish.
  4. It had happened so quickly, so inexplicably, he could barely swallow the reality of his doomed condition.
  5. The shock of suddenly embraced normalcy might bury me in an early grave before that doomed airplane.
  6. The phantom shapes, which were becoming gradually materialised from the moonbeams, were those of the three ghostly women to whom I was doomed.
  7. SONNET I know that I am doomed death is to me As certain as that thou, ungrateful fair, Dead at thy feet shouldst see me lying, ere My heart repented of its love for thee.
  8. And I shall remain satisfied, and proud to have been the first who has ever enjoyed the fruit of his writings as fully as he could desire for my desire has been no other than to deliver over to the detestation of mankind the false and foolish tales of the books of chivalry, which, thanks to that of my true Don Quixote, are even now tottering, and doubtless doomed to fall for ever.
  9. We are surely doomed to hover continually upon the brink of Eternity, without taking a final plunge into the abyss.
  10. This was the day I was either doomed to die or destined to live.