English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ontevrede" is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat 'n gevoel van ongelukkigheid of ontevredenheid met iets of iemand beskryf. Dit verwys na 'n toestand van nie tevrede of tevrede met 'n bepaalde situasie, toestand, uitkoms of prestasie nie. Dit kan ook 'n gevoel van teleurstelling of frustrasie impliseer as gevolg van onvervulde verwagtinge of begeertes.


  1. disgruntled

Sentence Examples

  1. Went to bed dissatisfied, and in a state of great anxiety and agitation.
  2. Still appearing dissatisfied, he lifted her other hand, repeating the process.
  3. She leads him down to the very end of the promenade, checking each eatery in turn in an identical manner, then she ambles back, pausing again at each one, apparently dissatisfied.
  4. She became dissatisfied with the abuse of the premises by her tenant, and moved into them herself, refusing to let any portion.
  5. The reason why I am now dissatisfied is that I have not a clear appreciation of the past.
  6. These parties are not doing anything but making her more dissatisfied.
  7. Perhaps, when reflecting upon it, you will find your king has a generous heart, who reckons sufficiently upon your loyalty to allow you to leave him dissatisfied, when you possess a great state secret.
  8. Every human who lived around them for as long as Iszak remembered had come to her to find their mates, and had never been dissatisfied with the results.
  9. Sterlyn made a dissatisfied sound and Nikhil was forced to glance toward his Elite, whose hands hovered over his open palm with magic steadily pouring from his fingertips.