English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "diskreet" is om versigtig en omsigtig te wees in 'n mens se spraak of optrede, om te verhoed dat jy aanstoot gee of ongewenste aandag trek. Dit kan ook beteken om taktvol en omsigtig te wees in jou gedrag, veral in sensitiewe of vertroulike sake. Oor die algemeen beteken om diskreet te wees om versigtig te wees om nie aandag op jouself te vestig of om onnodige steurnis te veroorsaak nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. He is discreet and silent, and has grown into manhood in my service.
  2. Finally, Mary Jo appears, wearing her usual navy blue A-skirt and matching button-up sweater, topped by a discreet strand of pearls and cream-colored headband.
  3. As soon as he knew of an impending arrival he would absent himself, going off for long solitary walks, albeit overseen by a discreet lookout, or retire to his shelter.
  4. Camilla was distressed, as a discreet and right-minded woman would be, at the orders her husband left her, and bade him remember that it was not becoming that anyone should occupy his seat at the table during his absence, and if he acted thus from not feeling confidence that she would be able to manage his house, let him try her this time, and he would find by experience that she was equal to greater responsibilities.
  5. This was my shelter, a hiding place my mother never discovered because I used it with such discreet care.
  6. Two more college students had been taken to the hospital, but lucky for them Jessica had paid them a discreet visit and shared her Essence.
  7. At once, she set to work tearing off strips from her pant legs and fashioning herself foot wrappings as Rune gave her a discreet once-over from the corner of his eye.
  8. Among his men he tripled the value of the purse, ensuring that discreet and constant enquiries continued in an effort to locate the brother of Robert Fitzwarren.
  9. It was rather too late in the day to set about being simple-minded and ignorant but she left her with every previous resolution confirmed of being humble and discreet, and repressing imagination all the rest of her life.
  10. As the cars parked and the throng gathered, I found a discreet distant position from which to watch.