English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Prefektuur is 'n distrik of administratiewe afdeling in sommige lande, veral in Frankryk en Japan. In Japan is 'n prefektuur die hoogste vlak van regeringsverdeling en is gelykstaande aan 'n staat of provinsie in ander lande. In Frankryk is 'n prefektuur 'n regeringsadministrasiesentrum vir 'n departement, wat 'n territoriale afdeling van die land is. Die term kan ook verwys na die amp of posisie van 'n prefek, wat 'n amptenaar is wat aangestel is om 'n prefektuur of departement te regeer.

Sentence Examples

  1. It thus happened that he found himself the cynosure of the political eyes and the cases were not few in which attempt was made to engage his services at the Prefecture.
  2. In the morning, I procured, at the Prefecture, a full report of all the evidence elicited, and, at the various newspaper offices, a copy of every paper in which, from first to last, had been published any decisive information in regard to this sad affair.