English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is die woord "gedissiplineerd" 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat verwys na 'n persoon of ding wat selfbeheersing, ordelikheid en nakoming van reëls of regulasies toon. Dit kan ook 'n persoon of ding beskryf wat opgelei of vaardig is in 'n bepaalde veld of aktiwiteit, en in staat is om fokus te behou, 'n sistematiese benadering te volg en gewenste uitkomste te bereik. Oor die algemeen impliseer om gedissiplineerd te wees dat jy die vermoë het om jou gedrag, optrede of impulse op 'n doelgerigte en georganiseerde wyse te beheer.

Sentence Examples

  1. Their standards rose again, the Blue Boar of Alba, the Cat Rampant of Clan Chattan and the others, brave banners defiant in the face of the disciplined invaders who had already captured their king and sent the inhabitants of their capital into slavery.
  2. There are over three thousand Norse warriors, disciplined and in their prime.
  3. My training had been disciplined, and that supposedly made me disciplined, and it had made me the favorite in rare violent scenarios even when I was out-muscled.
  4. I realized that I needed a more disciplined approach to my search.
  5. It was a more regular beat, such as the marching of disciplined feet or the thrust of a bank of oars in the sea.
  6. After decades of communist rule, they are disciplined.
  7. I had lots of questions to lead us through a disciplined analysis, but the discussion jumped all around.
  8. I must remained disciplined, until the time is right to feed the hate.
  9. The proud, disciplined soldiers transformed into rampaging savages as they butchered the Norse without mercy and laughed as they hacked each head from the dead Norse bodies.