English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens standaard Engelse woordeboeke is die woord "descending" 'n byvoeglike naamwoord of 'n werkwoord wat verwys na die handeling van beweeg of afwaarts, afneem in grootte, hoeveelheid of belangrikheid, of gerangskik in 'n volgorde van hoogste na laagste. Die definisies van "dalende" kan effens verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word, maar oor die algemeen dra dit die idee oor dat iets beweeg of op 'n afwaartse of afnemende manier gerangskik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. When the chopper was less than twenty feet above the ground, it stopped descending and held steady in the air for a moment.
  2. She emerged from the top of the cavern, descending from the gloom on a line of thick red web.
  3. The Elders had ceased speaking, a pregnant pause descending on the room.
  4. Richard was descending the stairs from what was probably the main hall.
  5. The moment was descending rapidly into depressing silence that went on, and on.
  6. Carefully descending the stairs, she made her way through the deserted kitchen, pausing at the table to retrieve a bottle of wine which stood open, forgotten by the revellers.
  7. The sun was low, the early darkness of autumn descending soon over Burton.
  8. Gettelung led her deep into the castle, descending many flights of steps and colourful escalators, until she was sure they must be underground.
  9. From this point it described a long curve, descending towards Bitter Creek Valley, to rise again to the dividing ridge of the waters between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
  10. I look up at the ceiling where light filters down and let the sun bath my face before descending into darkness.