English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ontbinding" is die proses van afbreek of skeiding in eenvoudiger dele of elemente, dikwels deur chemiese of biologiese prosesse. Dit kan ook verwys na die toestand van opgebreek in eenvoudiger dele of elemente. In wiskunde verwys ontbinding na die afbreek van 'n komplekse probleem of funksie in kleiner, meer hanteerbare dele.


  1. decay

Sentence Examples

  1. Thus it is evident that we can assign no period, with any thing like accuracy, at which the corpse shall rise through decomposition.
  2. All experience has shown that drowned bodies, or bodies thrown into the water immediately after death by violence, require from six to ten days for decomposition to take place to bring them to the top of the water.
  3. This effect is brought about by decomposition, or otherwise.
  4. The result of decomposition is the generation of gas, distending the cellular tissues and all the cavities, and giving the puffed appearance which is so horrible.